Wednesday 5 October 2011


Sound has the power to create mood, it can also signal events that are about to happen.
Sound can manipulate audiences emotions.
-the human voice
-sound effects
Create realism within a drama.. ( varisimilitude)
Diegesis: everything on screen, world of tv.
Diegetic (captured during filming process) and non diegetic sounds(music etc).
Foley sound happens in the editing process, trees etc.. but to make it look real. audience would think its digetic but its not.
Dialogue: voice over, narrative devices in first person narrative.
Direct mode of adress to create comedy., tends to break the verisimilitude.
Importance of music is often used to make us as the audience involved, this could be happy sad scared of amused.
Incedidental music is used to add emotion and rythm may help you link scenes.
Dissanont music: before disaster or menance.
Sound motif: jaws, indiana jones, batman etc.
Parallel sounds are thinks we expect to hear e.g fighting scene is upbeat music.
Contrapuntal sounds are things we do not expect to hear such as classical music over violent scenes.
Stings, brief music to enhance the current situation.
Ambient sounds also refered to natural sounds where they shoot the drama its there to create varisimitude in the diegesis.

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