Monday 31 October 2011

Inbetweeners notes.

The fact he called her a jugasaurausrex makes you look at her from a male aspect. Men are portrayed to be  typically stereotyped.
The use of the word gay can be offence to somepeople.
'Cool' lads play proper male dominating sports and the geeks are playing football.
Verisimilitude is created in the sequence as there playing in a park where everyone can go, the lighting is natural and reflects summertime.
Dialogue, break your leg, hint to disability.
High angle view looking down on the girl in the wheelchair, to either compare ability or compare height diffrence.
Binary oppositions between active able people and a static girl in a wheelchair.
Eyeline match of the frisbee.
Disabled woman needs a carer. (Foreign)
Fact they couldnt communicate in the first place is a disabilty.

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