Friday 7 October 2011

Sound, music choir like and dialogue 'what are you doing here!' Sting when she enters room, footsteps foley sound. Amvbient sound is of the sheep fits with what your seeing, noisy. Crowd goes silent when he insults a king. 'My lord'. Upbeat jolly music therefore know its not a serious fight. Sound together with the match of actiobn connotes the danger Merlin could possibly be in. Pinging of broken things are non digetic to create humour. Sting when arthur finishes the fight.

Mise en Scene, her clothing is purple which connotes to royalty, well looked after. People are wearong cloaks, mysterious. Guard protecting the Court. His town is wicker baskets and peasents, binary oppositions. Much more people of lower class(Busy). Arthurs outfit is knight armour. He doesnt have his own weapon therefore is not skilled in this matter. Mise en scene of Guis glasses, long hair etc, looks intellegent. Lighting is quite doom and gloom.

Editing, her length of shot is very long. Cutaway of a opinated man looking disapointed towards Merlin, Intellegence. Extreme close up of his eye means no one knows he has magic power. Audience know he is using his magic but no one else in the diegesis does.

Camera angles, when he walks down the stairs its a high angle shot as he is in a court. Statues connote to success. Next scene is at eye level, your at his social level. Camera angle at fight makes you identify with Merlin. Arthur gets up to a higher level when fighting.

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