Wednesday 5 October 2011

Paragraph on mise en scene,

Mise en Scene plays a huge part when defining class and status within the charecters. We are first introduced to Merlin who is seen to wear very rough tired clothing, which shows that he has not come from a wealthy background and therefore is looked down on by the other leading charecter. His robe is red which may be seen as being ironic, as red connotes royality and wealth. On the otherhand we are then shown a binary opposition of Merlin, fully dressed in armour made of iron this shows wealth and that he may be part of a army. This shows he is a strong charecter and therefore the peasents in the village look up to him.
When the women adresses Merlin she uses a tone and phrase of unwelcomness. The contrast in location implys also that Merlin should not be there, the scene begins in a castle which cleary shows the womens wealth and a quick jump shot is used to emphasis the change in location .

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