Wednesday 2 November 2011

Representation of sexuality.

Homosexual male:
Feminine, higher pitched voice, camp characteristics, tight clothing, clean shaved, bright clothing, more daring, wine or cocktails, hairdressers, make up artists, designers, bitchy gossipy, love a gay bestfriend,

Heterosexual male:
Builder, fireman, business, sporty, solider, muscly, handsome, suits, less clean shaved, gym, office, pub, home with family.

Homosexual female:
Short hair, baggy clothes, trousers, either no make up or lots of make up, butch, bus driver, security guards.

Heterosexual female:
Long hair, smell nice, flowery fruit smells, lots of make up, beauticion, caring jobs, tight clothing, cleaners, positioned in the home with kids/ 

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