Monday 26 September 2011

Tv Dram, Jan Exam

Overview of exam:

Section A: Assess your media textual anaylsis skills and your understanding of a tv drama.
Secton B: Music magazine, talk about production processes, distrubution, use of technoligies and related issues, also the audience.  
Examination is 2 hours long, including 30 minutes viewing time.
Answer two compulsary questions.
Each question is worth 50 marks giving a total of 100.

Areas of focus:
Camera angles, Shot, Movement and Composition
Mise en Scene( clothing,props,lights,setting,make-up and hair)

Areas of representation:
-Class and status
-Physical ability/disabilty
-Regional identity

Marketing Criteria:
Explanation/analysis/argument (20 marks)
Use of examples (20 marks)
Terminology ( 10 marks)

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