Monday 26 September 2011

Gender Representation (Female)

Laura Mulvey- Male Gaze
Believed Males have the more dominant(active) role whereas woman have the more 'passive role'. Men are more powerful.
Traditionally men play the more active role, women  play passive roles and are seen as erotic objects which slow the story. Men far outnumber women. Female roles are sidelined. Lead roles for women scarce.
Women as usually stereotyped, blonde bimbo, female physical attractions such as figure and breasts to overpower the male. There easy and house wives, mothering is there top quality and they are willing to settle down.
Two distinct modes for the male gaze: voyeuristic and fetishistic. Women were given two roles, a sexually active role or a powerless role.
Various studies in the 1970s found men to be the dominant charecters and desicion makers in film and TV production.
Only there to be looked at by males.
When women had important roles they were still not good,
- frightened.
- in need of protection and direction
- offering support to male charecters
- not independent
- generally weaker
- still looked at sexually

Womens roles changed after ww2, only very slowly though.
Still objectified but also likely to be career driven, confident, empowered and able.

Misogamy: against woman!
Gene Hunt'There will never be a women prime minister as long as i have a hole up my arse!'

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